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Amazon US  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08M4322V5

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The Sweet Temptations Box Set combines L.M. Mountford’s original debut with its long-awaited sequel. Full of tension and grippingly intense scenes, this is a sizzling tale of lust and temptation that will ignite your ereader and leave you panting for more as it follows a modern man's journey across the Rubicon

With all the heat of Sylvia Day but only some of the drama of Bridget Jones, Sweet Temptations is one you don't want to miss and reminds everyone why he has been dubbed The Lord of Lust.

The Babysitter Book 1

Temptation has never been so sweet...

Richard Martin's life was only just starting to come back together, then she opened the door in that damn little black robe that shows off plenty of leg, and every curve.

She, Rebecca Blaire, the girl from downstairs. His babysitter.

She's everyman's fantasy, a big doe-eyed nymph, as beautiful as she is innocent.

Forbidden fruit in every sense of the word.

And she desperately needs his help, before her abusive father comes home and beats her black and blue.

Richard knew he should just walk away. It wasn't any of his business really, and nothing good could come from going through that door, but then...

Some temptations are just too sweet to resist.

The Boss’s Daughter Book 2

He thought his temptations were over, but they were only just beginning…

Until last week, Richard Martin was just another middle-aged guy. Married to a wife he loved, father to a son he adored, stuck in a dead-end job, just counting the days go by…

Then everything changed.

He made a mistake.

Now to save his marriage, he’s going to have to pay the price.

There’s just one problem, Scarlet Holmes.

His Supervisor.

She loves to play games with her staff and now, seeming very aware of his little secret, she wants to play a game.

And she always gets what she wants.

Because she just so happens to be The Boss’s Daughter.

Author Bio:

A self-confessed Tiger fanatic, L.M. Mountford was born and raised in England, first in the town of Bridgewater, Somerset, before later moving to the city of Gloucester where he currently resides. A fully qualified and experienced Scuba Diver, he has travelled across Europe and Africa diving wrecks and seeing the wonders of the world.

He started writing when he was 14. Under the pseudonym Dark Inferno, he has written more than thirty Fanfiction stories.

Author Links:

Reader’s Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/580219985516975/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LMMountford1990/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthLMMountford

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/l-m-mountford

Author page: https://www.amazon.com/L.M.-Mountford/e/B01DVDIKQI/

Newsletter Sign up: https://www.subscribepage.com/w7y7k2

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7813333.L_M_Mountford

Web site: https://lmmountford.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lmmountford/

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