A Cocky Hero Club Novel 


Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58986318/

Release Date: October 3

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Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.


Tim Reisher is a debonair pilot with a cocky attitude.

He is well known throughout the airline community thanks to his penchant for beautiful women.

Melissa Hansen is a new member of the National crew with a past she is attempting to escape.

When the past does catch up, Tim finds himself caught in the middle.

Will the two bring an attacker to justice?

Will they lose their hearts to each other in the process?

A Cocky Hero Production inspired by Playboy Pilot

Author Bio:

My name is Susan Horsnell and for 37 years, I worked as a nurse.

It was something I always wanted to do from the time I was a young child and I began treading this path as a 12 year old when I volunteered at the local hospital, helping the Pink Ladies sell magazines and sweets from a trolley.

I have always had an overactive imagination and teachers noted I had a great ability for writing at a young age.

When I retired I put pen to paper and a second long held dream became a reality with my first book - a Western Historical Romance was published in 2013.

My love of the Wild West came from my father, an avid Cowboys and Indian fan. From there, my imagination took over and I branched into other Romance Genres. My aim is to take the reader on a roller coaster of action, emotion, mystery and of course - love.

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