New Release: Enemy Boss by Carolyn Delaney

 ★✩★ NEW RELEASE ★✩★

Enemy Boss

Denver Billionaires Book 1


By Carolyn Delaney

Hosted by DS Book Promotions






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I don't care how much he wants my business, he can't have it.

My dad left me this company, and Nathan Silverstone can have it when he pries it from my cold, dead hand.

Never mind his flirtatious green eyes and the way his ridiculously expensive suits fit his hard body like a glove. I pay no attention to the way those eyes scrutinize my every curve and edge when he stares at me with that sexy, infuriating grin from across the table during our meetings.

I don't care how charming he tries to be, I'm stubborn and he's going to find out the hard way that I'm neither passive nor submissive, but I most certainly can be aggressive.


She was a one-time fling who occupied my evening and left me with amazing memories.

Until she walks into my billion-dollar brewing company as one of our suppliers.

Don’t mix business with pleasure my brother likes to remind me. Well, screw him. I’ll take all the pleasure Sierra Ford wants to give me.

Opposites attract, they say. Wild red hair and cowboy boots must be my jam because it’s definitely working for me.

Until my brother and cousin try to take Sierra’s company from her behind my back, and now I’m her enemy.


Enemy Boss

Rebel Boss: Coming soon

Sinful Boss: Coming soon

About Carolyn Delaney

Carolyn lives in Colorado with her husband, who’s delivered on his promise of a happily ever after, and their daughters, who spend their parents’ money like broke little best friends instead of teenagers.

When not writing, she can be found buying too many shoes, traveling, or dreaming about traveling. You can contact her at or at 





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