Book 7 of 8: Olde Earth Academy


Genre: College | Fantasy | Romance

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With her friend killed and her necklace taken, Layla is rocked to the core. All she can focus on is seeking revenge, but that’s one task easier said than done with the Ancience’s ability to stay under the radar. Meanwhile, in teaming up with the council, she learns of a clue about what her family’s neala might mean.

Half of her allies at the Academy travel for answers, splitting her from Flynn, who’s made a change in his plans for college. Determined to avoid more secrecy and lies, Layla goes to sources who reveal that her elf powers are more powerful than she ever could have imagined.

When there’s finally a chance to chase down the top members of the Ancience, Layla’s ready to test out her newfound skills. Releasing such power raises more questions, though. It invites danger to her and her friends, plus the risk of exposing the existence of elves to the rest of the world.

Hoping to stay one step ahead of the enemy in a perilous game of research that threatens the whole world, she must own up to her lies and take a chance on embracing her identity as one of the keepers of elves.

Endangered is the seventh book in the Olde Earth series, and it continues in Attacked. 


Amabel Daniels lives in Northwest Ohio with her patient husband, three adventurous little girls, and a collection of too many cats and dogs. Although she holds a master’s degree in Ecology, her true love is finding a good book. When she isn't spending time outdoors, she's busy brewing up her next novel, usually as she lets her mind run off with the addictive words of "what if..."


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