Dirty Twisted Lord

A Dark Asylum Bully Romance

Godless Heathens - Chryseum Academy Book 3

By Jordan Grant


Cover Designer: Lori Jackson Design

Photographer: Ren Saliba

Release Date: September 14

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Books in the Godless Heathens Series:

Bloody Savage God: Book 1


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Read on Kindle Unlimited

Wicked Vile King: Book 2


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We are godless heathens.

We are kings.

And we will never be dethroned.

— Killian —

It’s spring semester, my last at the Asylum.



I’ve tried all the fringe methods.

Still, they call me a sadist, a sicko, deranged.

In here, though, I am lord.

I found the new girl on her knees in the campus chapel.

She must not have heard.

Salvation is dead.

Kneel before me, sweetheart.

— Millie —

I shouldn’t be here.

I’m not sick.

I’m not like these people.

I made a mistake. I want to go home.

A guy found me in church today. He cocked his head and asked me what I was doing.

Then, he stole a kiss so he could taste my pain.

I don’t like it here.

I don’t belong.

I promise I’ll be a good girl, daddy, if you let me come home.

Please read the content/trigger warnings carefully before reading, available either through the Look-Inside feature or on my website linked on my Amazon author page.


About Jordan Grant:

Jordan Grant is a lost soul, who changed majors three times in college before deciding on English. Because she has about as much patience as her beautiful, wonderful (did she mention ah-mazing!) younglings, she graduated a year early and then went to law school because, well...

She mentioned she’s a lost soul, right?

The lawyer-turned-romance-author has a special place in her heart devoted to edgy alpha males and bad boys with naughty mouths. She loves to get lost in the blur between love and hate and is especially fond of prince charmings with dents in their crowns and strife in their souls.

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