Cover Designer: Sean Benson at S Benson Designs

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Kate Benson's Ignite Series is finally available in one complete set!

Two best friends - one summer that changed everything.

Eccentric Addie Greyson had called athletic Zeke Turner her best friend her entire life. Over the last decade, they’d seen each other through every obstacle adolescence had thrown their way.

When Zeke returned home for the summer after his first year away at college, their time apart forced them to see each other in a new light. Once temptation became too much to resist, lines were crossed and the relationship they fought so hard to protect paid the ultimate price.

When fate brought them back together two years later, would it mean a second chance? Or would the summer that irrevocably changed them be the one thing their friendship couldn’t survive?

About Kate Benson

Kate Benson was raised in Texas and currently resides in central Florida with her husband and their furbaby, Boomer.

She learned to read at the age of four and has been hooked ever since. She credits her passion for literature to her mother, her love of story-telling to her father and her unwavering faith in happily-ever-after's to her husband, Sean.

Some of her favorite things include rainy days, loud music, superhero movies, hot tea and of course, lazy afternoons with a great book.

To find out more about Kate, her work or to just say hello, she loves hearing from her readers and can be found on social media.

Follow Kate Benson:

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7391945.Kate_Benson

Facebook: facebook.com/katebensonauthor/

Twitter: twitter.com/Katebensonauthr

Instagram: instagram.com/katebensonauthor/

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